
Showing posts from February 18, 2018

Benefits of Massaging Your Feet Before You Sleep

Hello Doc Here are the benefits of massaging your feet before you sleep . 1. Light massage on the foot is believed to help smooth blood circulation in the legs. 2. Can reduce stress and anxiety that can cause can not sleep soundly. Light massage on the feet will make you more relaxed. 3. Helps relieve back pain from standing too long and sitting. 4. If you have problems with high blood pressure, mild massage in the legs before bed will alleviate the risk of high blood pressure. . Here's how to massage your legs correctly: 1. Pour 2-5 drops of essential oil that you like into a bucket of warm water. 2. Soak your feet for 10-20 minutes, then dry your feet with a towel. 3. Apply the oil on the sole of your right foot. Massage slowly. 4. Repeat the same on your left foot. 5. To get good results, do every day before the night rest. . . May be useful! .

The Benefits of Menstruation • Hello Doc

Hello  Doc The benefits of menstruation . Here are the benefits: . 1. Cleaning the body. The normal menstrual cycle every month is very useful to cleanse the body of various organisms such as bacteria. When menstruating, various kinds of bacteria especially from the reproductive organs will be removed along with blood. In addition, menstruation also secretes excess iron in the body, thus reducing the risk of stroke, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. .  2. Menstabilize body condition. Menstruation is one sign that the hormones in the body remain balanced so that this becomes an indicator of health. . 3. Maintaining ideal body weight. The next menstrual benefits are to keep the weight to stay ideal. Women who have regular menstrual cycles every month will avoid being overweight because there is no fat buildup in the body. In addition, women who have a normal menstrual cycle will avoid weight loss (thin). Menstruation is one of the ideal weight tags and will always keep ...

Benefits of Sleeping Early • Hello Doc

Hello Doc, hello all this time we will share the benefits of sleeping early.. 1. Reduce stress Sleep well at night can reduce stress. By sleeping faster you can lower the stresses you experience throughout the day. Good sleep and fast can soothe body and mind . 2. Keeping the mind positive By sleeping faster, a person can keep his mind positive. And it has been proven that those who sleep well at night will face tomorrow with negativity. By sleeping faster, enough hours of sleep will be achieved and you can keep your mind positive throughout the day. . 3. Good for memory Do you know if with enough sleep you can strengthen your memory? With enough sleep the mind will be quieter so your brain's ability will be maximized. Even getting enough sleep can increase concentration. . 4. Maintain blood pressure Make sure you sleep well enough to keep your body well. With enough sleep, you can maintain blood pressure. Sleeping late will increase blood pressure and increase your risk of dev...

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